• Member Since 10th Jan, 2012


I am a 20 year old brony. I love sports, video games, my little pony, raves, and a variety of other things. Hopefully you like my stuff if not, Well it won't stop me from reading your stuff.

Favourites 1250 stories
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Total Words: 9,296,098
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Princess Celestia, who is feeling a little lonely, asks Princess Cadance for a little help in finding a special somepony.

Along the way, Princess Celestia rediscovers herself.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (10)

Anon has been forced into Canterlot's throne room. Even worse, Princess Celestia is inside of it. Crying silently.

Welp, there's only one real solution here.


Now's the time to hope this isn't a crime of any sort, and that he isn't sent to the sun anytime soon.

First publicized story- would definitely appreciate criticism.

And being completely honest- this was made in under an hour. A product of sudden inspiration.

Edit 5/17/19: Christ, featured less than an hour after it was posted and generally liked- i'm honoured. Glad you all enjoyed my silly little story!
As of 12/12/22, this still manages to appear on popular stories and featured occasionally when I post, which I cannot fathom-

Now featuring a Ko-fi for the generous, looking to help me out or the folks I want to support in my life.

Chapters (1)

Anon decides, despite every bit of logical sense, to boop an angelic pony after exploiting her for chores. This could only end well.

After all, boredom is overrated, and the temptation to boop a cute angel pony is too great! Who cares if you could potentially be smited by pony-God, right?

Now if only you weren't literally being sized up by God himself... And said angel is trying to convince him why you should marry.


Art stolen by Badumsquish. Give their adorable art some love~
Also obviously the angel pony is theirs, lmao, hope they enjoy the story

Oh hey, in featured on release day again!

Here's me quietly shilling my Ko-fi, shhh.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy spends the day with her two girlfriends, but she feels a quiet discomfort. As an asexual mare, she can't join in on everything Rarity and Twilight do together. Is she really good enough for them, or is she just bringing their relationship down?

My first purely fluff story, without much comedy. Just warm feelings.

Chapters (1)

In one timeline, Discord decided that the best way to get a group of villains to learn friendship was to pretend to be a spooky old goat and strongarm them into trying to conquer Equestria together.

This would turn out to be a terrible plan.

In another timeline, Discord took five seconds to actually think and run this plan by someone else before jumping in head first. Maybe the cashier at Whinndy’s wasn't the best pony to ask for advice, but he loved the plan she suggested even more.

It too, was a terrible plan.

Cover art provided by Mutter_Butter

Chapters (1)

Luna's still settling back into her full duties, and finding out she's somehow responsible for overseeing Equestria's annual freedom festival came as something of a shock. All she really knows about the holiday is that ponies like to celebrate it with explosions. Fireworks, cannonfire... somehow, her citizens have linked 'freedom' with 'stuff blowing up.' So if there's a citizen willing to blow herself up as part of the festivities -- well, what could possibly be more appropriate?

...it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

An out-of-work Tempest Shadow has opened an eye clinic near Ponyville. Nopony is sure if the doctorate hanging in her office is official or why her retinoscope features under-barrel attachment points. And most can agree that it’s best not to ask where she got a permit to perform retinal cryopexy.

Still, she seems to know what she’s doing, and all licenses to practice appear to have been filed using the correct format and proper guidelines. That makes everything okay. Right?

Chapters (1)

Stella F. Sabre. An upstanding member of Princess Luna's Night Guard. A mare of the most profane lexicon in all of Equestria and self proclaimed sexiest mare alive.

She is also embroiled in a lifelong prank war with her boss, the aforementioned Princess Luna.

After one such prank, Luna decides to up the game and really stick it to the batpony. By using a spell that makes Stella irresistibly drawn...

To hugging.


Stella is not amused.

- To be honest, I can't remember what brought this idea about. It's sat in my 'to-do' box for nearly two years I think. Then one day I got a little inspired and finished it.

I will ABSOLUTELY blame Flammenwerfer for this however.

Rated Teen for Stella.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash kills herself.


And it's up to Twilight and the girls to bring her back.



Originally written for the Through Fire writeoff event; thank you to all the reviewers there for helping me polish this story up.

Cover art by perfect-for-any-occasion mimbl.exe.

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

Luna is the small-chested princess. The petite princess. Celestia's big, beautiful chest floof drives everyone wild, but Luna plans to overtake her sister at last. All she needs is a discreet clinic capable of a simple procedure:

A floof job.

Now with a dramatic reading!

Now with a Chinese translation!

Chapters (1)